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  • 2011_Canterbury_earthquake_intensity.jpg

    02/24/2011 | New Zealand Amateurs Assist in Earthquake’s Aftermath

    A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Canterbury region in New Zealand’s South Island on Tuesday, February 22 at 12:51 PM local time (2351 on February 21 UTC). According to IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee Chairman Jim Linton, VK3PC, 10 rad
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  • ScottJeanAdam.jpg

    02/22/2011 | Three Yachtsmen Killed by Somali Pirates were Hams

    Four Americans -- including three Amateur Radio operators -- who were being held hostage on their yacht by pirates off the coast of Oman have been killed. Scott Adam, K9ESO, and his wife Jean, KF6RVB, along with Bob Riggle, KE7IIV, and Phylis Macay were o
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    01/28/2011 | Senate Version of Amateur Radio Legislation Introduced

    On Wednesday, January 26, Senator Joe Lieberman (ID-CT), along with Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), introduced Senate Bill 191, The Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act of 2011. Similar to HR 81 -- also called The Amateur Radio Emergency C
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  • W7KOP

    01/04/2011 | America’s Oldest Scouter: Woody Woodward, W7KOP (SK)

    Leonard Andrew “Woody” Woodward, W7KOP, of Mapleton, Utah, passed away December 25, 2010. He was 99. Woodward -- who, according to the Boy Scouts of America, was the “longest continuously registered Scouter” -- was involved with scouting for more than 87
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  • Skywarn Special Event Logo.jpg

    11/18/2010 | SKYWARN Recognition Day Set for December 4

    The 12th Annual SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) Special Event will take place Saturday, December 4, 2010. SRD is co-sponsored by the ARRL and the National Weather Service (NWS) as a way to recognize the commitment made by Amateur Radio operators in helping
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    11/04/2010 | Thai Hams Provide Communication Support During Monsoon

    Heavy monsoon rains in Thailand have devastated parts of that country, with almost 60 dead and 100,000 homes in 32 provinces damaged or gone. According to the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST), amateurs in the Nakhon Ratchasima and Chaiyaphum provi
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    10/21/2010 | Information Exchange and Camaraderie Highlight IARU Region 2 Conference

    The 58 delegates and observers who gathered in Salinitas, Sonsonate, El Salvador for the 17th General Assembly of IARU Region 2 experienced a busy and enjoyable week. The conference began on October 4 and concluded on October 8. Twelve IARU Member-Societi
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  • USTTI2010

    10/12/2010 | ARRL Marks 27th Year of Hosting USTTI ARAC Course

    Students from the Philippines, Ethiopia, Ghana, Brazil, and Nigeria attended the United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI) Amateur Radio Administration Course (ARAC) at ARRL Headquarters September 27-October 1. ARRL Chief Technology Offi
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